The Cousin by the Sea

by LINKS75 on June 4, 2013

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Scotland’s laird – Loch Lomond has a bastard cousin by the sea, Dundonald. Southern Gailes has been adopted and has since 2003 been accepted into the Lomond clan. Squeezed between motorway and the brothers Gailes, Dundonald makes an insecure impression. Kyle Phillips perhaps had something else in mind when he created this modern links on classic land. The clubhouse is of the same type as that at Trumps – a modernised worker’s barracks of luxurious campervan standard. We head off to test the turf – quite OK – but what is this? The surroundings remind us that the cousin has not met its relatives for some time – improvements are a must.

Third, Dundonald

Third, Dundonald

The 3rd is a really good par 5 with meandering burn along and across and should have been links75 class in the right environment, as would the 6th – a par 3 – which shows us how good things could be.

No6, Dundonald

No6, Dundonald

At the 8th we hit to the right and unfortunately get the feeling of a rubbish tip. Respective holes have a good layout and the turf seems good so why not utilise these. The last nine lead us in to Western Gailes and the railway line, finally classic railway links. A number of good par 4s offer a challenge – the 13th and 16th provide good links golf of appropriate quality but still fall short in the beauty stakes.
Kyle come back and take care of your cousin by the sea!

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